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Chernobylite 2 coming soon to Kickstarter!

Published December 2, 2024

In 2019, we ran our first Kickstarter campaign, and the community’s involvement exceeded our bravest expectations. Our amazing Backers supported us with the campaign’s backing, invaluable feedback about the game design, direct help with many of the production issues, and, last but not least, heart-warming words of encouragement.

Today, with a lot of pride, we present you a brand new chapter of the journey that 5 years ago started here, on Kickstarter. Since 2022, we’ve been developing Chernobylite 2: Exclusion Zone, the sequel to the original game, which will be a direct continuation of the familiar stories but also a new, unique and massive adventure for all fresh Zone explorers.

Soon, we’ll start a brand new campaign on Kickstarter to join forces together and if you like to check what’s it all about, click “Notify me on launch” on our Kickstarter pre-launch page.